The journey from preparing for the PMP exam to passing it is not an easy task, and every candidate dreams to pass it. The moment you hit the submit button after four hours is the most crucial stage of your entire journey.
So, now what happens?
You will come to know about your pass or fail status. You will get a result immediately after you answer all questions on screen. And if you are giving exam on exam centre you can take report printed by the exam centre or you can login to and on dashboard right hand side you will see view score report option to see your score report and within 72 hours you will be able to see your certificate on PMI Portal.
Sometimes technical errors might occur where the candidates' records might get lost. In that case, this report comes as a handy proof of your exam clearance, and there is no requirement for the PMP exam retake.
When will you get the PMP Result?
Once you submit your answers, you will get a short survey to fill. It asks you questions about your exam experience. The sole purpose behind this survey is to take candidates' feedback to enhance the exam quality. Upon submitting the survey, you will be shown your results. Now suppose you passed the exam; you might wonder what will happen now.You are a PMP now
It is the outcome of your hard work. You are a PMP now and can proudly boast about your newly earned credential. You will receive a printed report from the centre as proof of passing the exam. Preserve it till you receive your certificate. After that, it is your wish whether you want to keep it with you as a memory or discard it.How can you use the PMP tag?
- You can add PMP to your name in the resume and on your website.
- Add the PMP logo to your name card. You cannot use this logo on your website or company name card.
- You are now PMP certified for 3 years and must start working to earn PDUs to reactivate your certification after this time period.
- Within 48 hours, your name and details will be listed in the PMP directory.
- You can request a PMP lapel pin at no extra cost, and it gets delivered in a separate package and not along with the certificate. For this login to the PMI website, go to the marketplace and add to the cart.
How long does it take to deliver the PMP certificate?
The PMP certificate package reaches you by mail and might take up to 6-8 weeks. The following items are included in your certificate package:
- A congratulatory letter
- PMP credential certificate
- Details about the PMP credential maintenance